

Lavender is a flowering plant that belongs to the grouping of herbs called ornamentals. It has been cultivated for its beautiful periwinkle color flowers and medicinal benefits by people all over the world. Relatively easy to grow, lavender can be a lovely addition to any container herb garden and utilized to improve your life.

It is unclear as to the derivation of the word lavender. It may have derived from two different Latin words that mean either “to wash” or “blueish”. Either way, both make great sense. From its beautiful blue flowers to its ability to infuse a load of laundry with perfume, lavender is an essential part of our lives.

Benefits of Lavender

Lavender is beautiful to most people and is commonly used in floral bouquets for its aesthetic qualities as well as fragrance. It is mostly and widely used in landscapes and appreciated for is invasive qualities.

It can compete on its own in a garden as the sole attraction, due to its lovely flowers. Most importantly, lavender offers a multitude of ways that it can infuse itself into your everyday activities.

How to Grow Lavender

Lavender likes to have rich soil, but well drained. It does not do well in particularly humid environments, due to the possibilities of it rotting. The ground must remain uncluttered and on the dry side for lavender to flourish.

Root rot can be avoided when it is planted in soils that are more gravel than dirt. Full sun and great air circulation is a must for this plant.

Economical importance

Lavender is en econimical important species and more then  1 000 metric tons of lavender oil is produced each year. It can also be a very profitable species to grow and sell. Especially if you sell your harvest on farmers market.  Farmers can make up to USD 35 000  an acre growing Lavender.

Growing lavender is a good way to earn a good return from your land.  Lavender requires little care. It will not provide you with a passive income but it will provide you with an income that requires very little work outside harvesting season.

Uses for Lavender

Along with its floral uses in gardens, bouquets, and bunches commonly sold in most markets, lavender can be used aromatically. It is a popular scent for candles, laundry detergent and softeners, sachets, room sprays, and perfumes. It is even a popular ingredient in mosquito repellant.

Most of the lavender grown is produced with the intent that its essential oils will be extracted. These are often used in cosmetics, balms and some topical medicines.

Lavender can actually be used in cooking, as it has a citrusy taste and pairs well with salads and dressings. It can be used in tea, hot or cold, desserts and even as an ingredient in main dishes. The buds can give a soap-like taste if not used sparingly in cooking.

When in a pinch, lavender can even be used as a substitute for rosemary. Whether savory or sweet, it can be used in many recipes. It is a versatile plant with a lovely appearance and fragrant disposition.